Project 357 - Day 106

Purple Prickly Pear (Opunta violacea var. Santa-Rita)

Project 357 - Day 105

Don, Derek and I headed up Mt. Lemmon for about 7,000 feet of climbing fun!  We were totally enjoying the very light traffic, great temperatures and conversation as we got up near Bear Canyon (General Hitchcock camp ground).  Up the road in the parking area was a Pima County Sheriff's Deputy.  As we approached he hopped out of the patrol car and stopped us.  He said the Don was riding in the lane and 3 abreast, then proceeded to issue a citation to Don.  In Arizona, cyclist can ride two abreast and we can be in the traveling lane.  The interesting part is I was on the inside, Don beside me and Derek BEHIND and centered off our rear wheels so we could all B.S. on the ride.  Not sure what Don is planning on doing with the citation, but the Deputy was not nice nor was he a complete jerk.  He just did his business and cited Don.  My question is how could this Deputy tell we were 3 abreast since he never drove by us.  And to put even more spin on it, there was another Deputy on a motorcycle that passed us no less than 5 times during our ride up the highway and he waved at us twice as he passed in the opposite direction.  Doesn't make me happy about our Sheriffs Department!  

Project 357 - Day 104

This one was the easiest ... Tricia had the plant tag still in the pot!  Spring Cactus (Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri)

Project 357 - Day 103

I snapped this picture cause I thought this guy was really cool and before I knew it, Tricia took it down and bought it!  Now he and one of his friends are sitting above our kitchen.  I didn't think that snapping pictures could cost me so much money!

Project 357 - Day 102

Fleabane (Erigeron divergens)

Project 357 - Day 101

Mexican Gold Poppy (Eschscholzia mexicana)

Project 357 - Day 100

So far so good ... 100 days out of 357... I just have to keep my camera in my pocket and remember to take those pictures.
Desert Chicory or New Mexico Plumseed (Rafinesquia neomexicana)

Project 357 - Day 99

We've always heard about Ben's Bells, but haven't run into any or had an opportunity to participate.  We had a full day of cycling adventure planned; Cyclovia, GABA's Bike Swap Meet and Urban Assault Ride.  Tricia took about 5-10 minutes out of our busy schedule of riding at the Bike Swap to paint part of one of Ben's Bells.  If you've never heard of any of these, just click on the links to find out more.  I strongly encourage you to find out about Ben's Bells.

Project 357 - Day 98

Prickle (or Prickly) Poppy (Aremone pleiacantha)

Project 357 - Day 97

The sign of a satisfying and delicious meal.

Project 357 - Day 96

Out working as my own boss and I run across my first "controversial" call as an inspector.  This is a direct violation of the Clean Water Act, by allowing the concrete washout discharge directly in to a "water course".  By the way the Santa Cruz River is about 150 ft away from this location and this channel discharges to that named waterway.  No I won't tell you exactly where or the contractor working the project.  And yes it was cleaned up!

Project 357 - Day 95

This one gave me some trouble looking up.  Took me over 2 hours of research to finally find the little sucker!  Trailing Windmills or Trailing Four O'Clock (Allionia incarnata)

Project 357 - Day 94

This one came from Steve's back yard.  Not a really AZ native, but very dynamic to say the least.  Will let you know what it is exactly when he gets back to me.

Project 357 - Day 93

I think this one is Desert Lavender (Hyptis emoryi).  Really small and cool looking.

Project 357 - Day 92

Hedgehog Cactus (Echinocereus engelmannii)  The most brilliant red coloring on a hedgehog.  Steve pointing this one out after a ride and seeing the fasciculatus variety in the desert.

Project 357 - Day 91

Pink Flower Hedgehog (echincereus fasciculatus)  Found tons of these on the west side during one of our rides out there.

Project 357 - Day 90

This was a single plant growing out of the side of the road between the curb and bridge sidewalk in about 3" of soil.  Desert Blue Bell (Phacelia campanularia)

Project 357 - Day 89

Very common in town and around neighborhoods ... White Oleander (Nerium oleander)

Project 357 - Day 88

Been a while since I had a chance to update the blog.  The recent job lose and starting up my own consulting business has put a cramp in my "leisure time".  So here we go!
Yellow Desert Evening Primrose (Oenothera primiveris)

Project 357 - Day 87

Blue Dicks, Wild-hyacinth, Dester Hyacinth or Common Brodiaea (Dischelostemma capitatum)

Project 357 - Day 86

Stemless or Desert White Evening Primrose (Oenothera caespitosa)

Project 357 - Day 85

On our cross country ride from Patagonia to Locile Loop and this monster was in the road.  He is a Horned Lizard (or Horny Toad) in the Phrynosoma family, I just don't know what species.  But heck, he's cute!  Got a face only a mother could love.

Project 357 - Day 84

Blue Flax (Linum perenne) - Had a tough time identifying this one.  Think it's related to the Lewis Flax (Linum lewisii).

Project 357 - Day 83

Brittlebush (Encelia farinosa) Another ADOT "standard" flower for roadside construction projects.

Project 357 - Day 82

With some help from my internet friends ... Scalloped Leaf Phacelia (Phacelia crentulata) also called Scorpionweed, Caterpiller Weed or Hydrophylia.

Project 357 - Day 81

Desert Marigold (Baileya multridiata) - A common ADOT flower used for seeding after construction.